Welcome to the official Marivox website!

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 is a Swedish company who focuses on making 1/72 scale injection moulded kits of aircraft in the Swedish Air Force.

Up to now we have produced four original kits.
To see specifications and pictures of the kits, check out the Products section.

Enjoy your stay!



Latest News

Marivox Sk 2 - New kit available!

The long awaited Sk2 Friedrichshafen FF33E is now available from Marivox! This is a Limited...

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Improvements on the site

It's been quite a while since the last update. This time around the update involves changes to...

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Vampire Mk1 available

Our new kit, the dH Vampire Mk 1, is available now!

This is a hybrid kit; Heller/Revell's...

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